

My goal as a speaker is to make the audience think; to educate and inspire them to take action.
When possible I make my speeches interactive events as adults learn best by active involvement.  As someone who has spoken/facilitated at thousands of events, I fully understand the important role a speaker plays in the success of your event.

A recognized thought leader in creating program design that integrates the behavioral insights and data from Conversational Intelligence and the Birkman Method into educational processes. Doug has worked with senior executives on strategies for improving both their own personal performance as well as the success of the teams they lead for over 20 years. Doug works to effectively align operational business strategy with people strategy to maximize organizational effectiveness and profitability. Those themes are the foundation and focus of his speaking engagements.

Topics I Speak On:

My most requested presentations are on the topics of:

Conversational Intelligence®

Some recent Conversational Intelligence talks include:
Conversational Blind Spots
The Hidden Addiction Holding Back Your Company
What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Conversations

I can customize a Conversational Intelligence presentation for your company, conference or workshop.

Organizational Leadership

Some recent talks in this category include:
The Multiple Dimensionality of Trust
Managing Organizational Change and Transition
Break from Your Perception Trap
How Birkman Data Supports the Shingo Cultural Enablers

I can customize a leadership-focused presentation for your company, conference or workshop.

Legal/Law/Court Leadership Issues:
Recent talks in this category include:

The YOU in Adjudication
Change is Easy, Transition is Hard; Ever-Changing Leadership in Boards and Associations
Regulator Stress: A New Understanding
Neutrality and Neuroscience

I can customize a presentation for your law firm, bar association, conference or workshop.

Invite Doug to speak
at your meeting or conference.

My Promise To You and Your Attendees:

The success of an event depends just as much on what happens off-stage as what happens on-stage. That said, you can expect the following from me:

  • 100% preparation, passion, and energy in my presentation(s)
  • extra-mile engagement with your audience (I love connecting with attendees after sessions)
  • strict adherence to all presentation time limits and event guidelines
  • prompt, punctual, and clear correspondence on all logistics
  • model-citizen conduct that reflects superbly on you and your brand

I know how diverse your audience can be, and that means being delicate and sensitive to every single person in it.
When I speak, I don’t see a crowd; I see individuals. My public and private communications have been honed through a lifetime of experience.

If you’d like to discuss my participation in your event, please click use the contact form or call me at 724.612.0020.

My Goals

I focus on the people side of the business. Moreover, I know how to align that people strategy to your business strategy. Often referred to as the “soft- skills”; I prefer to think of those skills as critical skills. As Tom Peters was wont to say ‘soft is hard, hard is soft’ and the soft is the hardest for companies to get right — leadership, communication, transition/change, culture, trust, organizational effectiveness, talent management, and employee engagement.

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