Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)Power Up: The impact of healthy, transformational conversations can’t be measured on a single dimension.
Conversations impact three levels: leadership, corporate culture, and the level of trust in interactions.

Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ) is a revolutionary methodology fully leveraging a fusion of neuroscience, leadership, and language to create profound and lasting cultural transformation for individuals, teams and entire organizations.

Conversations are not just a one-dimensional sharing of information; they are multi-dimensional.
Understanding how to access the right dimension for each situation is the art of conversation.

With C-IQ, there are three levels of conversations, each representing a way of interacting with others. When members of a team, partnership,  company or an entire organization learn C-IQ together, they get in sync in extraordinary ways. As a result, the work they do together elevates results to heights never before achieved.

Use C-IQ to harness and embrace viewpoints very different from your own—to create an inclusive conversational space where new and breakthrough actionable ideas emerge and innovation thrives.

Companies have spent untold millions learning ‘communication’ to no avail. Effective communication still mostly suffers and I have witnessed that first hand.  Rather than learn to communicate, learn to engage in conversation with a proven method of advancing interaction within your organization- Conversational Intelligence®.

Contact me today and let’s start a discussion about why C-IQ will add value to your organization. 

Prefer to ground the Conversational Intelligence journey with a more tangible measurement of where you and your team stand?

C-IQ (Conversational Intelligence®) Catalyst Tool™

The Conversational (C-IQ) Catalyst Tool™ is a fascinating and easy to use tool that has incredibly insightful results.
Individuals and teams can use this ‘quick study’ tool to see the patterns of conversational impact and engagement that we exercise as we interact at work.
The tool can be used with one or thousands of people in an organization and can provide a cultural imprint of how people at work engage with each other.

There are three ways to use the tool:

  1. Self-Catalyst Tool: Each person can use the C-IQ Catalyst Tool™ to gauge the level of intelligent conversations they are having with others.
  2. 360 Catalyst Tool: An individual can use the C-IQ Catalyst Tool™ as a 360 Tool. This would mean selecting people such as boss, peers, direct reports and others to give feedback on their level of C-IQ. This will provide a clearer picture of how the person is impacting others at work.
  3. Team Catalyst Tool: The Team C-IQ Catalyst Tool™ provides a profile of a team’s level of C-IQ awareness. This tool can be used to help a team develop higher levels of C-IQ at work.

Please contact me to discuss how to best leverage the Catalyst Tool™ for you and your teams.

Ready to dig deeper? More about the three levels of Conversational Intelligence®, and 5 key principles below:

Level I: Transactional Conversations
Transactional conversations include interaction dynamics such as “asking and telling.” These types of conversations confirm what we know and give people a platform for giving and receiving information. Level I plays an important role in everyday business interaction.

Level II: Positional Conversations
Positional conversations include interaction dynamics such as “advocating and inquiring.” These conversations allow us to defend what we know and give people a platform for having and expressing a strong opinion about something. In these conversations, we are less open to influence and more interested in selling our ideas. Level II conversations are where conversations often get stuck. While Level II is often a necessary conversational step, true breakthroughs usually do not occur here and leaders and their teams must learn the techniques to advance past this tricky conversational state.

Level III: Transformational Conversations
Transformational conversations, also called co-creating conversations, include interaction dynamics such as “sharing and discovering.” This means asking questions for which you have no answers, listening to the collective, discovering that we don’t know we don’t know, and sharing insights and wisdom. This generative way of having conversations leads to more innovative insights, more disruptive thinking and deeper listening to connect to others’ perspectives. People are more candid, more trusting and more open to influence.

When a team leader can identify which level of conversation necessary to operate from, the rest of the team can easily shift into the appropriate conversational level from their lead.

The 5 Foundation Elements of C-IQ

C-IQ begins with five foundational skills:

1) Listen to connect
2) Ask questions for which you have no answers
3) Prime for trust
4) Sustain conversational agility
5) Double-click to get inside of what others are actually seeing, feeling and want to say

My Goals

I focus on the people side of the business. Moreover, I know how to align that people strategy to your business strategy. Often referred to as the “soft- skills”; I prefer to think of those skills as critical skills. As Tom Peters was wont to say ‘soft is hard, hard is soft’ and the soft is the hardest for companies to get right — leadership, communication, transition/change, culture, trust, organizational effectiveness, talent management, and employee engagement.

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